Issue 28



13 October 2015

symetrix taiwan 2_rs

A presence in Taiwan since 1977, Baker & McKenzie’s credentials as a leading legal services provider traverse the globe. Acknowledging the requirements of both local and international conferencing, a new installation at the firm’s Taipei City headquarters utilises Symetrix DSP for flexible processing and elimination of acoustic echo.

Installation work was undertaken by Vega Global Technology Taiwan Ltd, which drew on the supply services and audio expertise of locally-based distributor Seapower Technology Company Ltd. The result is a solution that allows wired and wireless microphone sources to be processed and distributed effectively both within a main multi-purpose conference room, and beyond – including to other Baker & McKenzie offices located around the world.

Seapower sales representative Hsiao Chia-Hsing remarks that long and successful experience with the Symetrix SymNet Radius AEC Dante-scalable DSP indicated that it would be suitable for the Baker & McKenzie project. “It comes down to a matter of control,” says Chia-Hsing. “We needed to be able to route audio anywhere and maintain excellent quality – but with a minimum of impact on the room. With the SymNet Radius AEC, you have all of the processing needed in one box with fully configurable software. Compact form-factor, great compatibility and cost-efficiency also recommended this processor for the installation.”

The incorporation of Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) technology, widely-regarded as the industry’s lowest latency at only 11ms, is another significant benefit. Notes Chia-Hsing: “This allows the firm to get the best possible results for remote conferencing” – no small requirement when sessions frequently involve personnel from multiple office locations.

As part of an overall solution where the onus was on minimising aesthetic impact on the conference venue, Vega Global also installed products from several other leading manufacturers. Wireless and conference microphone systems come from TOA, whilst Audio-Technica provided gooseneck microphones for the on-table positions. Power is provided by a single B52 US-3000 amplifier, with the loudspeaker contingent comprising a quartet of Quad Industrial C6-16 ceiling speakers. Meanwhile, class-leading technology from Cisco is integral to the global conferencing capability.

In terms of the Symetrix contribution, a single SymNet xIn 12 input expander has also been included in the design in order to accommodate possible future system requirements. For now, the SymNet Radius AEC on its own is more than sufficient to undertake “all the processing requirements: AEC, feedback control, EQ for input and output, matrixing capabilities. And not only that, it achieves all of this at a highly competitive price-point. The response from the client has been one of complete satisfaction.”

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